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Christmas Dishcloth Crochet Pattern

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Christmas Dishcloth Crochet Pattern – A festive cloth to brighten up your sink on Christmas day lol.

You can of course make it in other colours for use all year round.


christmas dishcloth crochet pattern


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christmas dishcloth crochet pattern


This free crochet pattern, available in both UK and USA formats, just scroll to the bottom of the page to get the written instructions.

Hope you enjoy crocheting this cloth, make one for your other family members to brighten their festivities too!


festive dishcloth


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christmas dishcloth crochet pattern


Christmas Dishcloth Crochet Pattern

Pattern Number CNC391

Skill Level: Intermediate

Abbreviations UK
RS.     Right Side
ch.      Chain
dc.      Double Crochet
tr.       Treble Crochet
rpt.     Repeat

ss.      Slip Stitch
tch.    Turning Chain

Group.   3tr into same stitch or space

Base of ch. Work into first stitch

3ch counts as first tr

Approx Finished Size:  9.5 x 10 Inches

For great results it is always best to use the recommended yarn, I have used approximately:-

25 grams of King Cole Cottonsoft in each of the colours 1 & 2
Small amount of King Cole cottonsoft in colour 3

4.50mm Crochet Hook


Scroll down the page for the USA format


Made in multiples of 4.

Make 44ch, work 1tr into 4th ch from hook, (RS) * miss 1ch, 1dc into next ch, miss 1ch, 3tr into next ch, * rpt from * to * to last 4ch, miss 1ch, 1dc into next ch, miss 1ch, 2tr into last ch. Turn. (9 groups + 2 half groups)

2nd Row – 1ch, 1dc into stitch at base of 1ch, * make 3ch, miss (1tr, dc, 1tr), work 1dc into next tr, * rpt from * to * to last tr, dc, tr and 3tch, make 3ch, miss (1tr, dc, 1tr), work 1dc into top of 3ch. Turn.

3rd Row – 3ch, 1tr into stitch at base of 3ch, * 1dc into next 3ch space, 3tr into next dc, * rpt from * to * to last 3ch space and dc, work 1dc into 3ch space, 2tr into dc. Turn. Fasten off.

Join in colour 2.

Rpt 2nd Row & 3rd Row twice. Fasten off.

Rpt 2nd Row & 3rd Row in colour sequence as follows:-

Twice in colour 1, twice in colour 2, twice in colour 1, twice in colour 2 and twice in colour 1.

Do not turn or fasten off at the end of the last row.

Border – With colour 1 and RS facing, work 39dc evenly into row ends down first side of cloth, 3dc into corner, 1dc into each ch along starting chain edge, 3dc into corner, work 39dc evenly into row ends up second side of cloth, 3dc into corner, 1dc into each tr and dc along top of cloth, 1dc into corner, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Fasten off.

Join in colour 3.

Starting with 1ch, 1dc into the stitch at the base of 1ch, work 1dc into each dc around cloth to end, working 3dc into the corners, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Turn.

Rpt last row once. Fasten off.

Finishing – Weave in and trim off all loose ends of yarn.

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USA format below:-

I have more free Christmas crochet patterns mini tree stocking, merry jingle coaster or santa hat to name a few.

christmas green dishcloth

Christmas Dishcloth Crochet Pattern

Pattern Number CNC391

Skill Level: Intermediate

Abbreviations USA
RS.       Right Side
ch.        Chain
sc.        Single Crochet
dc.        Double Crochet
rpt.       Repeat

sl st.     Slip Stitch
tch.      Turning Chain

Group.   3dc in same stitch or space

Base of ch. Work in first stitch

ch3 counts as first dc

Approx Finished Size:  9.5 x 10 Inches 

For great results it is always best to use the recommended yarn, I have used approximately:-

25 grams of King Cole Cottonsoft in each of the colors 1 & 2
Small amount of King Cole cottonsoft in color 3

An equivalent yarn would be a light worsted #3 cotton

4.50mm Crochet Hook



Made in multiples of 4.

ch44, work 1dc in 4th ch from hook, (RS) * skip 1ch, 1sc in next ch, skip 1ch, 3dc in next ch, * rpt from * to * to last 4ch, skip 1ch, 1sc in next ch, skip 1ch, 2dc in last ch. Turn. (9 groups + 2 half groups)

2nd Row – ch1, 1sc in stitch at base of ch1, * ch3, skip (1dc, sc, 1dc), work 1sc in next dc, * rpt from * to * to last dc, sc, dc and 3tch, ch3, skip (1dc, sc, 1dc), work 1sc in top of ch3. Turn.

3rd Row – ch3, 1dc in stitch at base of ch3, * 1sc in next ch3 space, 3dc in next sc, * rpt from * to * to last ch3 space and sc, work 1sc in ch3 space, 2dc in sc. Turn. Fasten off.

Join in color 2.

Rpt 2nd Row & 3rd Row twice. Fasten off.

Rpt 2nd Row & 3rd Row in color sequence as follows:-

Twice in color 1, twice in color 2, twice in color 1, twice in color 2 and twice in color 1.

Do not turn or fasten off at the end of the last row.

Border – With color 1 and RS facing, work 39sc evenly in row ends down first side of cloth, 3sc in corner, 1sc in each ch along starting chain edge, 3sc in corner, work 39sc evenly in row ends up second side of cloth, 3sc in corner, 1sc in each dc and sc along top of cloth, 1sc in corner, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Fasten off.

Join in color 3.

Starting with ch1, 1sc in the stitch at the base of ch1, work 1sc in each sc around cloth to end, working 3sc in the corners, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Turn.

Rpt last row once. Fasten off.

Finishing – Weave in and trim off all loose ends of yarn.


christmas dishcloth crochet pattern


All pattern sizing, yarn weights, gauges etc on this website are approx as everybody crochets differently. Every effort is made to ensure the free crochet patterns are correct, but I am only human so mistakes may be made, if you find one please let me know by e-mail on [email protected]

The written instructions and pictures for this free Christmas dishcloth crochet pattern are copyrighted to crochet ‘n’ create © 2021. You are welcome to sell the finished products made from the free Christmas dishcloth crochet pattern, I just ask that you please use your own pictures and put a link back to crochet ‘n’ create.

If you wish to tell your friends and followers about this pattern, please only use a direct link to the pattern page on crochet ‘n’ create. DO NOT share the written instructions for this free Christmas dishcloth crochet pattern.