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Woodland Baby Dress

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Woodland Baby Dress – A sweet little dress made in worsted weight yarn to fit a newborn baby girl.

It will look lovely on it’s own or as it is an addition to my woodland collection.

A buttoned opening on the back with three buttons from the neck down to the start of the skirt, this little dress is easy for dressing.

I have made it in autumn colours of woodland greens and browns, but it would look great in pastel colours too.

Related Item:   Woodland Newborn Booties

woodland baby dress

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The dress has the usual features of pom-pom’s and ties and would look adorable on a newborn baby girl.

I hope you enjoy.

Related Item:   Woodland Newborn Beanie Hat

baby crochet dress


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Related Item:   Woodland Baby Coat

Woodland Baby Dress UK

Pattern Number CNC32

Abbreviations UK
WS.     Wrong Side
RS.      Right Side
st.       Stitch(es)
ch.      Chain
dc.      Double Crochet
tr.       Treble Crochet
rpt.     Repeat

ss.       Slip Stitch

Base of ch. Work into first stitch

3ch counts as first tr

Finished size approx:  14 Inch Chest Newborn Baby
Finished length from shoulder approx 11.5 Inches

I have used:-

80 grams of Stylecraft Special DK in colour 1
30 grams of Stylecraft Special DK in colour 2

4.00mm & 4.50mm crochet hooks, 3 buttons, appliqué

TENSION – 4tr & 2.5 rows measures approx 1 inch


Scroll down the page for the USA format


Worked in one piece, starting with yoke, using colour 1 and 4.00mm hook make 56ch, (RS) 1tr into 4th ch from hook, 1tr into the next 6ch’s (Back), 3tr into next ch, 1tr into next 8ch’s (shoulder), 3tr into next ch, 1tr into the next 18ch’s (Front), 3tr into next ch, 1tr into the next 8ch’s. (shoulder), 3tr into next ch, 1tr into the next 8ch’s (Back). Turn. (61tr + 3ch)

2nd Row – (Inc Row) 3ch, * 1tr into each tr to next 3tr group, 1tr into next tr, 3tr into centre tr of 3tr group, * rpt from * to * to last 3tr group, 1tr into next tr, 3tr into centre tr of 3tr group, 1tr into each tr to end, work 1tr into top of 3ch. Turn. (69tr + 3ch)

3rd to 8th Row – rpt 2nd Row. Fasten off. Turn. (117tr + 3ch)

9th Row – (Divide for Armholes) – Join in colour 2, make 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each of next 15tr, 2dc, 1ch into next tr, miss next 24tr, (armhole) 2dc into next tr, 1dc into each of next 34tr, 2dc, 1ch into next tr, miss next 24tr, (armhole) 2dc into next tr, 1dc into each of next 15tr, 1dc into top of 3ch, ss to first dc on beginning of row to make a round. Turn. (74dc + 2, 1ch spaces)

how to shape a square neck armhole

Eyelet Row – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, make 2ch, * miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 3dc, make 2ch, * rpt from * to * including using the two 1ch spaces to last 2dc, 1dc into each dc, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Turn. (19, 2ch spaces)

Inc Row – Starting with 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, work 1dc into each dc and 2dc into each 2ch space to end, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Fasten off. Turn. (96dc)

Change to 4.50mm hook.

Commence with Skirt – Join in colour 1, 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1tr into next dc, * 1dc into next dc, 1tr into next dc, * rpt from * to * to end, ss to first dc on beginning or row. Turn.

Pattern Row 1 – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each tr and dc to end, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Turn. (96dc)

Pattern Row 2 – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1tr into next dc, * 1dc into next dc, 1tr into next dc, * rpt from * to * to end, ss to first dc on beginning or row. Turn. (96st)

Rpt Pattern Rows 1 & 2 seven more times or until work measures approx 9 Inches from shoulder. Fasten off.

Join in colour 2 and rpt Pattern Rows 1 & 2 three more times or until work measures approx 10.5 Inches from shoulder. Fasten off.

Join in colour 1 and rpt Pattern Rows 1 & 2 twice or until work measures approx 11.5 Inches from shoulder. Fasten off.

Sleeves x 2 –  With RS facing and 4.00mm hook, join colour 2 to centre tr of 3tr group underarm were you divided for armhole, make 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each of next 24tr, 1dc into centre tr of 3tr group on opposite side of sleeve, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Turn. (26dc)

Starting with 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, work 1dc into each dc to end, ss to first dc. Turn.

Rpt last row once. Fasten off.

Button/Buttonhole Bands – Working on RS with 4.00mm hook, rejoin colour 2 to bottom of right hand side of back edge, make 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, work 16 more dc evenly into row ends to neck edge, 3dc into corner, 1dc into each ch around neck, 3dc into corner, work 17dc evenly into row ends down second back edge. Turn.

Button Band – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each dc to neck edge. Turn.

Starting with 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, work 1dc into each dc to end. Fasten off.

Buttonhole Band – Return to opposite side of back edge and working on the WS of your work from the neck downwards, join in colour 2, make 1ch, work 1dc into base of 1ch, * make 2ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 6dc, * rpt from * to * once, make 2ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into remaining dc. Turn.

Starting with 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, work 1dc into each dc and 2ch space to end. Fasten off.

Chain Tie – With colour 2 and 4.00mm hook make 130ch. Fasten off.

Make 2 small pom-pom’s I used Clover pom-pom maker number 20.

Finishing – Close small gaps under arms, weave in any loose ends of yarn and trim, attach buttons to correspond with buttonholes, thread chain tie through eyelet holes, attach a pom-pom to each end and make a bow.

USA format below:-

woodland baby dress

Woodland Baby Dress USA

Pattern Number CNC32

Abbreviations USA
WS.    Wrong Side

RS.     Right Side
st.      Stitch(es)
ch.     Chain
sc.      Single Crochet
dc.      Double Crochet
rpt.     Repeat
sl st.   Slip Stitch

Base of ch. Work in first stitch

ch3 counts as first dc

Finished size approx:  14 Inch Chest Newborn Baby
Finished length from shoulder approx 11.5 Inches

I have used:-
80 grams of Stylecraft Special DK in color 1
30 grams of Stylecraft Special DK in color 2

2.85oz of Worsted Weight #3 in color 1
1.10oz of Worsted Weight #3 in color 2

4.00mm & 4.50mm Clover crochet hooks
3 buttons, Animal Appliqué

GAUGE – 4dc & 2.5 rows measures approx 1 inch



Worked in one piece, starting with yoke, using color 1 and 4.00mm hook ch56, (RS) 1dc in 4th ch from hook, 1dc in the next 6ch’s (Back), 3dc in next ch, 1dc in next 8ch’s (shoulder), 3dc in next ch, 1dc in the next 18ch’s (Front), 3dc in next ch, 1dc in the next 8ch’s. (shoulder), 3dc in next ch, 1dc in the next 8ch’s (Back). Turn. (61dc + ch3)

2nd Row – (Inc Row) ch3, * 1dc in each dc to next 3dc group, 1dc in next dc, 3dc in centre dc of 3dc group, * rpt from * to * to last 3dc group, 1dc in next dc, 3dc in centre dc of 3dc group, 1dc in each dc to end, work 1dc in top of ch3. Turn. (69dc + ch3)

3rd to 8th Row – rpt 2nd Row. Fasten off. Turn. (117dc + ch3)

9th Row – (Divide for Armholes) – Join in color 2, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each of next 15dc, 2sc, ch1 in next dc, skip next 24dc, (armhole) 2sc in next dc, 1sc in each of next 34dc, 2sc, ch1 in next dc, skip next 24dc, (armhole) 2sc in next dc, 1sc in each of next 15dc, 1sc in top of ch3, sl st to first sc on beginning of row to make a round. Turn. (74sc + 2, ch1 spaces)

Eyelet Row – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, ch2, * skip 1sc, 1sc in each of next 3sc, ch2, * rpt from * to * including using the two ch1 spaces to last 2sc, 1sc in each sc, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Turn. (19, ch2 spaces)

Inc Row – Starting with ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work 1sc in each sc and 2sc in each ch2 space to end, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Fasten off. Turn. (96sc)

Change to 4.50mm hook.

Commence with Skirt – Join in color 1, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1dc in next sc, * 1sc in next sc, 1dc in next sc, * rpt from * to * to end, sl st to first sc on beginning or row. Turn.

Pattern Row 1 – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each dc and sc to end, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Turn. (96sc)

Pattern Row 2 – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1dc in next sc, * 1sc in next sc, 1dc in next sc, * rpt from * to * to end, sl st to first sc on beginning or row. Turn. (96st)

Rpt Pattern Rows 1 & 2 seven more times or until work measures approx 9 Inches from shoulder. Fasten off.

Join in color 2 and rpt the Pattern Rows 1 & 2 three more times or until work measures approx 10.5 Inches from shoulder. Fasten off.

Join in color 1 and rpt Pattern Rows 1 & 2 twice or until your work measures approx 11.5 Inches from shoulder. Fasten off.

Sleeves x 2 –  With RS facing and 4.00mm hook, join color 2 to centre dc of 3dc group underarm were you divided for armhole, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each of next 24dc, 1sc in centre dc of 3dc group on opposite side of sleeve, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Turn. (26sc)

Starting with ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work 1sc in each sc to end, sl st to first sc. Turn. Rpt last row once. Fasten off.

Button/Buttonhole Bands – Working on RS with 4.00mm hook, rejoin color 2 to bottom of right hand side of back edge, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work 16 more sc evenly in row ends to neck edge, 3sc in corner, 1sc in each ch around neck, 3sc in corner, work 17sc evenly in row ends down second back edge. Turn.

Button Band – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each sc to neck edge. Turn.

Starting with ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work 1sc in each sc to end. Fasten off.

Buttonhole Band – Return to the opposite side of back edge and working on the WS of your work from the neck downwards, join in color 2, ch1, work 1sc in base of ch1, * ch2, skip 1sc, 1sc in each of next 6sc, * rpt from * to * once, ch2, skip 1sc, 1sc in remaining sc. Turn.

Starting with ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work 1sc in each sc and ch2 space to end. Fasten off.

Chain Tie – With color 2 and 4.00mm hook ch130. Fasten off.

Make 2 small pom-pom’s I used Clover pom-pom maker number 20.

Finishing – Close small gaps under arms, weave in any loose ends of yarn and trim, attach buttons to correspond with buttonholes, thread chain tie through eyelet holes, attach a pom-pom to each end and make a bow.

Hope you enjoy crocheting this woodland baby dress.

* * * *
See more free crochet baby patterns:-
Preemie Coat & Hat – Newborn Dress Set – Winter Berry Set
Smarty Pants – Premature Baby Outfit – Three Piece Set
hope you enjoy all the designs, happy crocheting!
* * * *

PS: See this woodland baby dress design and more on Allfreecrochet

The written instruction and pictures for this pattern are copyrighted to crochet ‘n’ create © 2017. You are welcome to sell the finished products you make from this woodland baby dress crochet pattern, I just ask that you put a link back to crochet ‘n’ create.

If you wish to share this woodland baby dress pattern on your social media or your blog please only use a direct link to the pattern page on crochet ‘n’ create.

Woodland Baby Dress












