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Winter Berry Baby Set

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Winter Berry Baby Set – Cuddly baby crochet pattern for those special days out, designed to fit 6-12 month baby or with one size larger hook it will fit a 12-18 month age. A cute little three piece outfit, I hope you enjoy making it.

The free crochet pattern for this beautiful winter berry baby set is below in UK and USA format, scroll to the bottom of the page to get it.


winter berry baby set


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winter berry baby set


Winter Berry Baby Set UK

Pattern Number CNC312

Scroll down the page for the USA format

Skill Level: Intermediate

Abbreviations UK
WS.      Wrong Side
RS.       Right Side
st.        Stitch(es)
ch.       Chain
dc.       Double Crochet
tr.        Treble Crochet
dtr.      Double Treble Crochet

rpt.      Repeat
ss.        Slip Stitch
Inc.      Increase

Group.  (2tr, 2ch, 1tr) into same stitch or space.

3ch counts as first tr

Base of ch. Work into first stitch

Size to fit approx: 20 Inch Chest, 6-12 month Baby

For great results it is always best to use the recommended yarn, I have used approximately:-
130 grams of Stylecraft Special DK in color 1

45 grams of Stylecraft Special DK in color 2

4.00mm crochet hook, 3 buttons

To make the outfit for a size 12-18 month baby use a 4.50mm hook.

TENSION – 5dc and 6 rows measures approx 1 Inch using a 4.00mm hook

winter berry baby set

Cardigan – Worked in one piece, starting with yoke.

With colour 1 make 56ch, work 1tr into 4th ch from hook, 1tr into next 6ch, (front) 3tr into next ch, 1tr into next 8ch, (sleeve) 3tr into next ch, 1tr into next 18ch, (back) 3tr into next ch, 1tr into next 8ch, (sleeve) 3tr into next ch, 1tr into next 8ch (front). Turn (61tr + 3ch)

2nd Row – (Inc Row) 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * 1dtr into next tr, 1dc into next tr, * rpt from * to * to centre tr on 3tr group, 3dc into tr.

(sleeve) rpt from * to * to centre tr on next 3tr group, 3dc into tr.

(back) rpt from * to * to centre tr on next 3tr group, 3dc into tr.

(sleeve) rpt from * to * to centre tr on next 3tr group, 3dc into tr.

(front) 1dc into next tr, rpt from * to * to end, working last dc into top of 3ch. Turn. (28dtr)

3rd Row – (Inc Row) 3ch, work 1tr into each st and 3tr into the centre dc on each of the 3dc groups to end. Turn. (77tr + 3ch)

Rpt 2nd & 3rd Rows four more times or until you have 141tr + 3ch.

Shape Armholes – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * 1dtr into next tr, 1dc into next tr, * rpt from * to * across first front to centre tr on 3tr group, 2dc into tr, miss 30tr, (sleeve) 2dc into next tr, rpt from * to * across back to centre tr on next 3tr group, 2dc into tr, miss 30tr, (sleeve) 2dc into next tr, 1dc into next tr, rpt from * to * to end. Turn. (38dtr)

how to shape a square neck armhole

Commence Skirt – 3ch, miss first dtr, work (2tr, 2ch, 1tr) into next st, * miss 2st, (2tr, 2ch, 1tr) into next st, * rpt from * to * to last 2st, miss 1st, 1tr into last st. Turn. (28 groups)

Pattern Row – 3ch, work (2tr, 2ch, 1tr) into each 2ch space to end, 1tr into top of 3ch. Turn.

Rpt Pattern Row until 12 rows have been worked in all from yoke. Turn.

Next Row – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * (2dc, 2ch, 2dc) into next 2ch space, work ss into space between groups, * rpt from * to * to last 2ch space, (2dc, 2ch, 2dc) into 2ch space, 1dc into top of 3ch. Turn. Fasten off.

Sleeves x 2 – With WS facing, rejoin yarn to first tr underarm were you divided for the armholes, work 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * 1dtr into next tr, 1dc into next tr, * rpt from * to * across the remaining tr of sleeve to last dc, work 1dc into last dc, ss to first dc on beginning of row to make a round. Turn. (15dtr)

Row 2 – 3ch, miss first st, (2tr, 2ch, 1tr) into next st, * miss 2st, (2tr, 2ch, 1tr) into next tr, * rpt from * to * to last 2st, miss last 2st, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. Turn. (10 groups)

Row 3 – 3ch, work (2tr, 2ch, 1tr) into each 2ch space to end, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. Turn.

Rpt Row 3 until 8 group rows have been worked in all from yoke. (You can add more rows here if you wish)

Row 10 – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * (2dc, 2ch, 2dc) into next 2ch space, work ss into space between groups, * rpt from * to * to last 2ch space, (2dc, 2ch, 2dc) into 2ch space, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Fasten off. Turn.

Button/Buttonhole Bands – With RS of work facing rejoin colour 1 to right hand front edge, make 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, work 41 more dc evenly into row ends up first front edge, 3dc into corner, work 1dc into each ch around neck, 3dc into corner, work 42dc evenly into row ends down second front edge. Fasten off. Turn.

Button Band – Written for a girl, swap sides for a boy

Join in colour 2, make 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, work 1dc into each dc to corner. Fasten off. Turn.

Join in colour 1 and rpt last row once. Fasten off.

Buttonhole Band – Return to opposite front edge, with WS facing, working from neck downwards, join colour 2 to first dc, make 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, make * 2ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 7dc, * rpt from * to * once, make 2ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into remaining dc to corner. Fasten off. Turn. (3 Buttonholes made)

Next Row – Join in colour 1, make 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each dc and 2ch space to end. Fasten off.

Finishing – Close small gaps under arms, weave in and trim off all loose ends of yarn, attach buttons to correspond with buttonholes.

Beanie Hat – Made in rounds without turning to the end of Seventh Row.

Using colour 2 make 6ch, ss to first ch to form a ring (RS) work 3ch, 11tr into ring, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. (11tr + 3ch)

Second Row – (Inc Row) 3ch, 2tr into each tr to end, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. (22tr + 3ch)

Third Row – (Inc Row) 3ch, * 2tr into next tr, 1tr in next tr, * rpt from * to * to end, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. (33tr + 3ch)

Fourth Row – (Inc Row) 3ch, * 2tr into next tr, 1tr into each of next 2tr, * rpt from * to * to end, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. (44tr + 3ch)

Fifth Row – (Inc Row) 3ch, * 2tr into next tr, 1tr into each of next 3tr,* rpt from * to * to end, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. (55tr + 3ch)

Sixth Row – (Inc Row) 3ch, * 2tr into next tr, 1tr into each of next 4tr, * rpt from * to * to end, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. (66tr + 3ch) 

Seventh Row – 3ch, 1tr in each tr to last tr, 2tr into tr, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. Turn. (67tr + 3ch)

Eighth Row – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * 1dtr into next tr, 1dc into next tr, * rpt from * to * to last tr, 1dtr in tr, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Turn. (34dtr)

Ninth Row – 3ch, 1tr into each st to end, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of row. Turn. (67tr + 3ch)

Rpt Eighth & Ninth Rows three more times.

Rpt the Eighth Row once. (You should have 5dtr rows in all)

Seventeenth Row – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each st to end, ss to first dc on beginning of row. Turn. (68dc)

Starting with 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, work two more rows of 1dc into each dc, slip stitching to first dc and turning at the end of each row. Fasten off.

Rpt Seventeenth Row once in colour 1. Fasten off.

Rpt Seventeenth Row twice in colour 2. Fasten off.

Using colour 1 make a pom-pom, I used Clover Pom-Pom Maker number 65.

Finishing – Weave in all loose ends and trim off, attach pom-pom to crown.

Mitts – Using colour 2 make magic circle, work 3ch, (RS) 9tr into ring, pull loose thread to close circle, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of round. (9tr + 3ch)

Round 2 – (Inc Row) 1ch, 2dc into base of 1ch, 2dc into each tr to end, ss to first dc on beginning of round. Turn.  (20dc)

Round 3 – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * 1dtr into next dc, 1dc into next dc, * rpt from * to * to last dc, 1dtr into dc, ss to first dc on beginning of round. Turn. (10dtr)

Round 4 – 3ch, 1tr into each st to end, ss to top of 3ch on beginning of round. Turn. (19tr + 3ch)

Rpt Rounds 3 & 4 until 8 rounds have been worked from beginning. Fasten off. Turn.

Join in colour 1, rpt Rounds 3 & 4 once. Turn.

Round 11 – (Eyelet Holes) 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, * make 2ch, miss 1tr, 1dc into each of next 2tr, * rpt from * to * to last tr, make 2ch, miss last tr, ss to first dc on beginning of round. Turn. (7 eyelet holes)

Round 12 – 1ch, 1dc into base of 1ch, 1dc into each 2ch space and dc to end, ss to first dc on beginning of round. Turn. (20dc)

Starting with 1ch 1dc into base of 1ch, work 3 rows of 1dc into each dc to end, ss to first dc on the end of each row.

Chain Tie x 2 – Using colour 2 make 70ch. Fasten off

Finishing – Weave in and trim off any loose ends of yarn, thread chain tie through eyelet holes on wrist and tie in a bow.

winter berry baby set

Winter Berry Baby Set USA

Pattern Number CNC312

Skill Level: Intermediate

Abbreviations USA
WS.        Wrong Side
RS.         Right Side
st.          Stitch(es)
ch.         Chain
sc.         Single Crochet
dc.         Double Crochet
trc.        Treble Crochet

rpt.        Repeat
sl st.      Slip Stitch
Inc.       Increase

Group.  (2dc, ch2, 1dc) in same stitch or space.

ch3 counts as first dc

Base of ch. Work in first stitch

Size to fit approx: 20 Inch Chest, 6-12 month Baby

For great results it is always best to use the recommended yarn, I have used approximately:-

130 grams of Stylecraft Special DK in color 1
45 grams of Stylecraft Special DK in color 2

An equivalent yarn would be a light worsted #3 

4.00mm crochet hook, 3 buttons

To make the outfit for a size 12-18 month baby use a 4.50mm hook.

GAUGE – 5sc and 6 rows measures approx 1 Inch using a 4.00mm hook

winter berry baby set

Cardigan – Worked in one piece, starting with yoke.

With color 1 ch56, work 1dc in 4th ch from hook, 1dc in next 6ch, (front) 3dc in next ch, 1dc in next 8ch, (sleeve) 3dc in next ch, 1dc in next 18ch, (back) 3dc in next ch, 1dc in next 8ch, (sleeve) 3dc in next ch, 1dc in next 8ch (front). Turn (61dc + ch3)

2nd Row – (Inc Row) ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, * 1trc in next dc, 1sc in next dc, * rpt from * to * to centre dc on 3dc group, 3sc in dc.

(sleeve) rpt from * to * to centre dc on next 3dc group, 3sc in dc.

(back) rpt from * to * to centre dc on next 3dc group, 3sc in dc.

(sleeve) rpt from * to * to centre dc on next 3dc group, 3sc in dc.

(front) 1sc in next dc, rpt from * to * to end, working last sc in top of ch3. Turn. (28trc)

3rd Row – (Inc Row) ch3, work 1dc in each st and 3dc in the centre sc on each of the 3sc groups to end. Turn. (77dc + ch3)

Rpt 2nd & 3rd Rows four more times or until you have 141dc + ch3.

Shape Armholes – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, * 1trc in next dc, 1sc in next dc, * rpt from * to * across first front to centre dc on 3dc group, 2sc in dc, skip 30dc, (sleeve) 2sc in next dc, rpt from * to * across back to centre dc on next 3dc group, 2sc in dc, skip 30dc, (sleeve) 2sc in next dc, 1sc in next dc, rpt from * to * to end. Turn. (38trc)

Commence Skirt – ch3, skip first trc, work (2dc, ch2, 1dc) in next st, * skip 2st, (2dc, ch2, 1dc) in next st, * rpt from * to * to last 2st, skip 1st, 1dc in last st. Turn. (28 groups)

Pattern Row – ch3, work (2dc, ch2, 1dc) in each ch2 space to end, 1dc in top of ch3. Turn.

Rpt Pattern Row until 12 rows have been worked in all from yoke. Turn.

Next Row – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, * (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in next ch2 space, work sl st in space between groups, * rpt from * to * to last ch2 space, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in ch2 space, 1sc in top of ch3. Turn. Fasten off.

Sleeves x 2 – With WS facing, rejoin yarn to first dc underarm were you divided for the armholes, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, * 1trc in next dc, 1sc in next dc, * rpt from * to * across the remaining dc of sleeve to last sc, work 1sc in last sc, sl st to first sc on beginning of row to make a round. Turn. (15trc)

Row 2 – ch3, skip first st, (2dc, ch2, 1dc) in next st, * skip 2st, (2dc, ch2, 1dc) in next dc, * rpt from * to * to last 2st, skip last 2st, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of row. Turn. (10 groups)

Row 3 – ch3, work (2dc, ch2, 1dc) in each ch2 space to end, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of row. Turn.

Rpt Row 3 until 8 group rows have been worked in all from yoke. (You can add more rows here if you wish)

Row 10 – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, * (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in next ch2 space, work sl st in space between groups, * rpt from * to * to last ch2 space, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in ch2 space, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Fasten off. Turn.

Button/Buttonhole Bands – With RS of work facing rejoin color 1 to right hand front edge, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work 41 more sc evenly in row ends up first front edge, 3sc in corner, work 1sc in each ch around neck, 3sc in corner, work 42sc evenly in row ends down second front edge. Fasten off. Turn.

Button Band – Written for a girl, swap sides for a boy

Join in color 2, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work 1sc in each sc to corner. Fasten off. Turn.

Join in color 1 and rpt last row once. Fasten off.

Buttonhole Band – Return to opposite front edge, with WS facing, working from neck downwards, join color 2 to first sc, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, * ch2, skip 1sc, 1sc in each of next 7sc, * rpt from * to * once, ch2, skip 1sc, 1sc in remaining sc to corner. Fasten off. Turn. (3 Buttonholes made)

Next Row – Join in color 1, ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each sc and ch2 space to end. Fasten off.

Finishing – Close small gaps under arms, weave in and trim off all loose ends of yarn, attach buttons to correspond with buttonholes.

Beanie Hat – Made in rounds without turning to the end of Seventh Row.

Using color 2 ch6, sl st to first ch to form a ring (RS) ch3, 11dc in ring, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of row. (11dc + ch3)

Second Row – (Inc Row) ch3, 2dc in each dc to end, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of row. (22dc + ch3)

Third Row – (Inc Row) ch3, * 2dc in next dc, 1dc in next dc, * rpt from * to * to end, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of row. (33dc + ch3)

Fourth Row – (Inc Row) ch3, * 2dc in next dc, 1dc in each of next 2dc, * rpt from * to * to end, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of row. (44dc + ch3)

Fifth Row – (Inc Row) ch3, * 2dc in next dc, 1dc in each of next 3dc,* rpt from * to * to end, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of row. (55dc + ch3)

Sixth Row – (Inc Row) ch3, * 2dc in next dc, 1dc in each of next 4dc, * rpt from * to * to end, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of row. (66dc + ch3) 

Seventh Row – ch3, 1dc in each dc to last dc, 2dc in dc, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of row. Turn. (67dc + ch3)

Eighth Row – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, * 1trc in next dc, 1sc in next dc, * rpt from * to * to last dc, 1trc in dc, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Turn. (34trc)

Ninth Row – ch3, 1dc in each st to end, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of row. Turn. (67dc + ch3)

Rpt Eighth & Ninth Rows three more times.

Rpt the Eighth Row once. (You should have 5trc rows in all)

Seventeenth Row – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each st to end, sl st to first sc on beginning of row. Turn. (68sc)

Starting with ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, work two more rows of 1sc in each sc, slip stitching to first sc and turning at the end of each row. Fasten off.

Rpt Seventeenth Row once in color 1. Fasten off.

Rpt Seventeenth Row twice in color 2. Fasten off.

Using color 1 make a pom-pom, I used Clover Pom-Pom Maker number 65.

Finishing – Weave in all loose ends and trim off, attach pom-pom to crown.

Mitts – Using color 2 make a magic circle, ch3, (RS) 9dc in ring, pull loose thread to close circle, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of round. (9dc + ch3)

Round 2 – (Inc Row) ch1, 2sc in base of ch1, 2sc in each dc to end, sl st to first sc on beginning of round. Turn.  (20sc)

Round 3 – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, * 1trc in next sc, 1sc in next sc, * rpt from * to * to last sc, 1trc in sc, sl st to first sc on beginning of round. Turn. (10trc)

Round 4 – ch3, 1dc in each st to end, sl st to top of ch3 on beginning of round. Turn. (19dc + ch3)

Rpt Rounds 3 & 4 until 8 rounds have been worked from beginning. Fasten off. Turn.

Join in color 1, rpt Rounds 3 & 4 once. Turn.

Round 11 – (Eyelet Holes) ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, * ch2, skip 1dc, 1sc in each of next 2dc, * rpt from * to * to last dc, ch2, skip last dc, sl st to first sc on beginning of round. Turn. (7 eyelet holes)

Round 12 – ch1, 1sc in base of ch1, 1sc in each ch2 space and sc to end, sl st to first sc on beginning of round. Turn. (20sc)

Starting with ch1 1sc in base of ch1, work 3 rows of 1sc in each sc to end, sl st to first sc on the end of each row.

Chain Tie x 2 – Using color 2 ch70. Fasten off.

Finishing – Weave in and trim off any loose ends of yarn, thread chain tie through eyelet holes on wrist and tie in a bow.

winter berry baby set

All pattern sizing, yarn weights, gauges etc on this website are approx as everybody crochets differently. Every effort is made to ensure the free crochet patterns are correct, but I am only human so mistakes may be made, if you find one please let me know by e-mail on [email protected]

The written instructions and pictures for this free crochet winter berry baby set pattern are copyrighted to crochet ‘n’ create © 2020. You are welcome to sell the finished products made from the free crochet winter berry baby set pattern, I just ask that you please use your own pictures and put a link back to crochet ‘n’ create.

If you wish to tell your friends and followers about this pattern, please only use a direct link to the pattern page on crochet ‘n’ create. DO NOT share the written instructions for this free crochet winter berry baby set pattern.

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